On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Karoliina Salminen
<karoliina t salminen gmail com> wrote:
The reason why I pointed out the right click as problematic is the following:
- what if you have single button mouse (Macs have single button mouse
by default)
- what if you have a touch screen (like Asus eeTop or whatever it was called),
the release cycle of Gnome has been very slow and the touch screens
will be norm before
3.0 is most likely even done. There is no right click on touch screen.
- what if the screen is multi-touch screen? I guess the Asus uses
resistive touch screen, but sooner or later
these will have capacitive screens. That means how we use computer
changes quite radically and
we get rid of the mouse-keyboard combination pretty much.
None of those reasons make a right-click "power menu" problematic. As long as a power feature isn't the primary way of doing something (in which case it wouldn't be a power feature anymore), its OK if some users can't use the feature. In fact, if we provide special power features to touch screen users (and we most certainly should) then those features wont be usable by normal desktop users.