Re: [Usability] Using keyboard layouts

Hajo E. wrote:

i just had to explain to somebody how gnome-keyboard-properties works,
again. Clicking on a layout is not enough to activate it. Instead, one
has to drag and drop the entry to the top of the list to activate it.
This is counterintuitive, especially because it is stated nowhere. The
help pages suggest to use the keyboard indicator applet. That's fine,
but a user who wants to change the keyboard layout does not
necessarily have the applet in his panel or comes to the idea that
changing a layout needs an applet.

So, i think this window needs improvements. But before i start to talk
about how to improve it i would like to know what you think about and
if you agree or disagree with me.

Best regards,
Usability mailing list
Usability gnome org

The "Apply System-wide" button does not seem to work either. Especially 
if you make no changes, just want to do just that: apply the actual 
layout settings system-wide.
This is GNOME 2.26 in ubuntu 9.04.

Best regards

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