Re: [Usability] On Ctrl+tab

On 1/14/10 6:00 PM, Reinout van Schouwen wrote:
Op dinsdag 12-01-2010 om 20:01 uur [tijdzone -0500], schreef Jud Craft:

Due to its ubiquity, the conflict is very evident in GNOME programs,
where the behavior is completely different, even on the same Linux
operating system - between Epiphany and Firefox, Empathy and Pidgin,
Anjuta and MonoDevelop as examples.

I'd like to point out that it's up to Firefox, Pidgin and co. to behave
like good citizens on the Gnome desktop. Not the other way around!


Firefox was never called a GNOME app, either -- it's a cross-platform app that uses GTK. It's not Firefox's fault that GNOME distros always include a copy of it.

If GNOME used Ctrl-Shift-X for Copy, we'd all blame GNOME for being pointlessly arbitrary.

The real problem here is the conflict with Ctrl-Tab for keyboard navigation, not blaming applications for disobeying GNOME conventions.

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