Re: [Usability] Announce - GNOME 3 Usability Hackfest (London, Feb 22-26, 2010)

No not yet, which day would you prefer?

I can suggest Thursday 4pm, how much time would you need for the Wookie event?

Also I understand that you would like a person(s) from dev8D to attend some of Hackfest, is that right? Would one day be enough? Mia Ridge is interested in usability I was thinking of asking her, David?

They could report back on the Saturday at Dev8D (27th)

Steve Lee wrote:
Brian, Mahendra

2010/1/22 Brian Cameron <Brian Cameron sun com>:

Perhaps the delegate list would reveal that? I'll check if any of the
projects that OSS Watch have advised on open development might
possibly be interested in both events.
That would be appreciated.  If there are particular people who would
be good candidates for joining the GNOME event, then it would be good
to invite them.  The GNOME Usability hackfest is a small event, however,
so we probably do not have room to invite more than a few people.  So,
if people are invited, they should probably be those people with a
particular interest in GNOME, or experience with free desktop usability.

The data we currently have in the OSS Watch project registry (Simal -
throws up one that appears to be current when searching for 'usability'
However it's not obvious they would be interested as it is a review
and it seems to be RIA specific

I think we should plan on it then.  Just let us know who will be the
representative from the Dev8D community who can join and we can have
further discussions to firm up plans.

Mahendra that seems like one for you to look at
It is good to highlight these sorts of things, so that those people
who are attending and have a particular interest in this area can
consider joining these events.  Which day will these Wookie related
events happen?

Mahendra are these time tabled yet?

  Mr Mahendra Mahey

  Project Manager DevCSI
  Research Officer
  University of Bath,
  BA2 7AY

  Tel: ++44 (0) 1225 384594
  Fax: ++44 (0) 1225 386256
  email: m mahey ukoln ac uk
  skypeID: mr_mahendra_mahey
  Mobile: ++44 (0) 7896300820

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