Re: [Usability] Appearance

your know, i think that the screen saver is not in that menu (window, module) because is not part of the look of the OS, the splash or logging screen might be part but not the screen saver...

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Dokuro <dario soto gmail com> wrote:
the idea would have to be, creating a way to organize all of the online media for gnome and so the default appearance application can allow users to browse it.

(i installed icons and stuff, just by dragging the compressed file inside the window)

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 10:10 AM, giuliano manzitti <giuliano manzitti gmail com> wrote:
2010/1/25 Dokuro <dario soto gmail com>

Nice idea, but:

a) Themes;
c) Fonts;
d) Interface;
e) Visual Effects;
these are already in one menu (module) , so you just want to add
f)  Screensaver;
g) Splash Screen and Login Screen;

to the existing one :) and... each tab must be at least 2 button.
The first button "Install" that can import the file from each folder and the second "Delete".

improve it a bit the behavior

yes Dokuro..because of my poor English I have probably not explained well.
I meant what you said..create a window with a 7 (or more) tab which the user can download and install a graphics component.
For I want install a new set of icons (NewLucid) that I've downloaded from looked on google how to do...and I found a guide explaining to copy the icons into the hide folder .icons.
I tried...but without result.

In any case...I don't think that the user
should do what..but the DE gnome should show a list of object (themes, fonts, etc) so the user can install it.

it could even have pre-made sources list that could change with online pop ratings.

yes...for example gnome can show a standard list with and the other...and the user if he wants can add o delete a source.

I hope that the idea is liked...and would be challenging if you answer in many.

bye bye



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