Re: [Usability] How to make GNOME better for Netbooks?

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Calum Benson <Calum Benson sun com> wrote:

On 10 Mar 2010, at 10:32, Valent Turkovic wrote:

> Do you have some examples and guidelines how to customize GNOME for Netbooks?

If you want some ideas for how to customize GNOME to work on a netbook, it's probably easiest just to try some of the netbook-oriented distros out there, like the Ubuntu Netbook Remix, to see what they do.

We also need to encourage developers to write applications that will adapt better to running on netbooks and other non-desktop devices.  This will certainly be one of the themes of the new GNOME Human Interface Guidelines, on which we're just getting started.

Yes, and mobile devices (smartphones etc) too. I've noticed the user interface of applications designed for these devices are highly usable and well thought out. I think the physical constraints of these devices forces developers to come up with creative user interfaces. Anyway, I think it'll be great if some of the great ideas of developing user interfaces on mobile devices finds its way into the GNOME HIG.

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