Re: [Utopia] [patch] gvm property name changes

On Thu, 2004-05-06 at 19:02 +0200, David Zeuthen wrote:
> But I can see a potential problem when plugging in a device where both
> the HAL-device represent the USB device and the block device has
> capability camera; the former because of an .fdi file or a hal callout
> and the latter because of g-v-m. Then you suddenly have two cameras in
> your user interfaces. 

Yeah, that's a good point.  Maybe the USB device shouldn't get the
camera capability if it's a block-device-capable camera?  I don't know
how that'd work out exactly.

> But it still makes it difficult for me to choose an icon that looks like
> the physical device when looking at the device tree. Should I draw a
> camera or a card reader?

True, but I think you have this problem anyway, and the only real way to
solve it is with fdi files, since you don't get information on whether
it's a camera, card reader, whatever from the device itself.  And in
those cases where that info's not available you probably just have to
assume a lame generic removable storage icon.

I do really like the idea of a photos emblem, though, as mentioned in
another email.


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