Re: [Utopia] A few installation queries

> Firstly, I can't find a udev CVS. Can anyone point me to one?
AFAIK, there is no. You can find the latest releases here I could be wrong
tough... Maybe you could ask gregKH (or whatever his nick is) on freenode.

> The impression I get is that much of the chaging work in utopia is going
> on with HAL and the G-V-M - does this mean that I might be fine using
> the udev from Debian unstable?
It's indeed changing quite fast (I follow HAL spec changes, and that's going
fast indeed). The latest udev release (0.25) is already older than a month,
runs stable on my system for about that time, so I guess changes won't
happen too fast in udev-land (when looking at the release dates, it used to
be different ;-))

> Oh and Robert - which GNOME cvs modules do I need to compile to run the
> G-V-M?

cat CVS/Root
:pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome

cat CVS/Repository

Regards, Ikke

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