Re: [Vala] Hello and a question.

On 3/3/07, Raffaele Sandrini <rasa gmx ch> wrote:
Ok i'm a victim of my bad memory ;)
No problem :) Anyways, you promptly corrected it all even before I
read the first e-mail :)
On Sam, 2007-03-03 at 17:47 +0100, Raffaele Sandrini wrote:
> > Is that possible with Vala ?
> Not yet. We're still having some issues regarding multiple interfaces
> and subtyping. I tried to solve that weeks ago but failed to get it
> right.
> Question is: Is an Interface subtyping tree the same as interface
> dependency? Can one be reduce to the other? This heavily influences if
> we can apply java/c# style interfacing to vala or if we need to create
> some new thing to reflect gobject interfaces.
This is possible. At least to some extend.
interface Foo : Gtk.Widget {}

Great, this will help me a lot.

> >
> > One other thing I would need for this project and would like to know
> > is: Is there a set of wrapped definitions for GtkSourceView to use
> > with Vala projects ? If not, how hard would it be to make one ?
> Not yet. GObject base libraries are generally pretty easy to wrap using
> "vapigen" [1] to generate them automatically.
This is also available. Here:
Nice! I'll check out scratchpad's trunk to see if they got anything
else I might need... they being a text editor also and all...

Anyways, I'm not sure yet if I'll use Vala to its full extent or use
it as a "GOB on Steroids" to map easily from my UML models to C code
and then work my way from C all the way, since I'll need to interface
with a lot of other libraries and creating vala mappings for them all
would probably slow my project.

One thing I have to thank the Vala developers for: I love the way the
generated files look so readable, at least the generated files from
the Samples, which is all I tested until now.

Great work, guys.

Alexandre Moreira.


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