Re: [Vala] Runtime Type Information.

Ok this one is commited with revision 249.

Yell if you need any other runtime type support.


On Don, 2007-03-15 at 16:28 -0300, Alexandre Moreira wrote:
On 3/15/07, Raffaele Sandrini <rasa gmx ch> wrote:
On Mit, 2007-03-14 at 22:12 -0300, Alexandre Moreira wrote:
Is there any construction in Vala that can access GObjects runtime
type information ? Like the Macros PREFIX_IS_CLASS_NAME(obj)
PREFIX_TYPE_CLASS_NAME and things like that ?
I have some extended runtime type support here. I'll commit that as soon
i rechecked it and synced all the changes made in the past days.
This is great news. It is really amazing the pace at which you guys
add new features. Keep this pace and I'll probably never write a line
in pure Gtk+ again :)

Best Regards,
Alexandre Moreira.

Alexandre Moreira.

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