Here is patch that updates libxml-2.0 bindings to add tree and xpath API. It requires [Instance(position = n)] patch that I sent yesterday. o.j. Sample code: using Xml; namespace test { static int main (string[] args) { Xml.init(); /* build doc */ var d = new Doc(); var _r = new Node(null, "root"); weak Ns ns = _r.new_ns("http://localhost/myns.dtd", "myns"); weak Node r = _r; d.set_root_element(#_r); /* add nodes */ r.new_child(null, "title", "Hi!"); weak Node a = r.new_child(null, "attrs_test"); a.set_prop("t1", "value of t1"); a.set_ns_prop(ns, "t2", "value of t2 with ns"); weak Node c = r.new_child(ns, "node_with_child"); c.new_child(null, "child", "Child text!"); /* test xmlChar* is freed properly and that string methods can be used */ xmlstring mem; int len; d.dump_memory_format(out mem, ref len, true); GLib.stdout.printf("len = %d\nstrlen = %d\n\n%s\n", len, mem.size(), mem); /* test default args */ mem = null; d.dump_memory_format(out mem); GLib.stdout.printf("\n%s\n", mem); /* test save */ d.save_file("test.xml"); d.save_file_format("test-formatted.xml", true); /* test Instance(position = 2) */ d.save_file_enc_format("test-formatted-encoded.xml", "UTF-8", true); d.set_compress_mode(1); d.save_file_format("test-formatted-encoded.xml.gz"); /* parse doc */ var d2 = new Doc.read_text_len(mem, len, null, null, ParserOption.NOERROR | ParserOption.NOWARNING | ParserOption.NONET); if (d2 == null) return 1; weak Node root = d2.get_root_element(); for (weak Node iter = root.children; iter != null; iter = { GLib.stdout.printf("node %s\n", iter.get_path()); } /* xpath */ var ctx = new XPathContext(d2); d2.order_elements(); var o = ctx.eval("//attrs_test"); if (o != null && o.type == XPathObjectType.NODESET) { GLib.stdout.printf("got %d nodes\n", o.nodeset.length()); for (int i = 0; i < o.nodeset.length(); i++) GLib.stdout.printf(" -> %s\n", o.nodeset.item(i).get_path()); } Xml.cleanup(); return 0; } }
Description: application/mbox
Description: Text Data