Re: [Vala] Vala bindings to GNet

Uh. Just to say 'Hi!' to the list and ask some questions :)

 - How is the gnet port? I need to 
 - Is there any way to use a preprocessor with Vala?
 - How can I call inlined C code from Vala?
 - What is the threading stuff state?
 - How can I manage with execve's, popens and system()?

And a final tip:

 - I think to avoid namespacing problems we can force filenames to
   be lowercase to avoid collisions with Namespaces and Classes.
   Having this rule as a 'standard' language rule we can avoid some
   newbye problems

Finally I would like to say that I'm really happy to see this project
going up. I was looking for something like that and I have finally
found the right project :)



On Fri, 07 Sep 2007 19:23:16 +0200
Piotr Gaczkowski <doomhammerng gmail com> wrote:

Dnia 06-09-2007, Cz o godzinie 07:01 +0200, Mathias Hasselmann

    GNet type_name_offset="1"
    GUnixSocket value_type="0"

Is there any doc about what things are supported in .metadata files? I
would like to know, how to tweak certain things, but I could only find
possible settings in others' .metadata.

Piotr Gaczkowski

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