Re: [Vala] Signal problem

On Thu, April 3, 2008 16:19, Andreas Sliwka wrote:
  I'd like to create a Gtk widget that is pluggable into a
GtkScrolledWindow. For that it has to have a handler for the
gtk_widget_set_scroll_adjustments signal, and there lies my problem.

GtkWidget (according to  gth gtk+-2.0.vapi file, vala 0.1.7 ) does not
define such a signal, instead it has a simple function of that name.
GtkLayout does have such a signal, its part of its class definition. So
I went ahead and copied the signal declaration into my class.
GtkWidget doesn't really have a set_scrollable_adjustments signal, it just
has a class field that you can set to a signal if you want to support
scrolling. In C you do this by assigning the signal created with
g_signal_new to the class field in class_init. You could try to do
something like that in Vala using `static construct {...}' and manual call
to g_signal_new, if you declare the class field in the Gtk VAPI. You need
Vala SVN to have experimental support for class fields.

Something is very wrong here, since one of the adjustments had been
silently dropped ... Could somebody please explain to me how to handle
this? I'm a bit lost, and every hint would be appreciated ...
Signal handlers always have the sender/emitter object as first parameter,
you're missing that in your handler. valac should of course complain about
that but signal handler checks are still missing.


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