Re: [Vala] Can I use the symbolic name of the code of errors in code

On Tue, 2008-04-29 at 18:08 +0200, Jaap A. Haitsma wrote:
Say I have the program at the bottom of this mail and in the catch
clause I want to know the error that was thrown was from the FAILED or
the SYNTAX code. How can I check this. I can obtain the error code by
e.code but how do I compare it with FAILED or SYNTAX

I'd like to write something like:

if (e.code == MyError.FAILED) {

I was planning to add support for

    if (e is MyError.FAILED)

and also

    catch (MyError.FAILED e)

i.e. treat error codes as subtypes of error domains.

Any comments or objections?


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