Re: [Vala] Vala autoconf macro

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Levi Bard
<taktaktaktaktaktaktaktaktaktak gmail com> wrote:
Guys, what's the point on discussing this on this mailing list? We're
not going anywhere with this discussion.

I mean, write vala integration for whatever build system you like, do
not stop other people to write things that are actually useful for
other people just because you don't like the tool they use, and do not
start a flame every time does it.
Well said. I could not agree more.
I've written a Vala builder for SCons;a=blob;f=scons-tools/;hb=HEAD

And also a gdkpixbufthingvalaintegration thing that eliminates the
need to keep track of where to install images:;a=blob;f=scons-tools/;hb=HEAD

To use:
images, header, vapi = env.GdkPixBufCSource('abraca_images',
['abraca-192.png', ..., ..., ...])

images variable = .c-file that is linked into the program.

And then automagically in teh code.. in this case "abraca-192.png" becomes:

Gdk.Pixbuf tmp = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_inline (-1, Resources.abraca_192, false);

Maybe something autohellicopters or wafflers could make use of :-)

Daniel Svensson

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