Re: [Vala] Request: Some high level documentation about how vala works internally

Hi Jaap,

On Sun, 2008-01-13 at 15:44 +0100, Jaap A. Haitsma wrote:
I think it would be very helpful for potential contributors to have
some high level documentation on how vala works internally
E.g. class diagrams, a description explaining the directory structure,
a description what happens when the vala compiler gets called etc.
Yes, that would certainly make sense. However, I think that the language
documentation is a lot more important right now, although there have
been some improvements in that area, e.g. with the tutorial in the Wiki.

The generated libvala documentation[1] might help a bit, although the
actual method descriptions are not available in the HTML yet. Reading
vala/compiler/valacompiler.vala (the entry point of valac) should help
quite a bit in understanding how the compiler works internally.



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