Re: [Vala] Vala port of gtk-sharp-ribbon

2008/7/21 Frederik <scumm_fredo gmx net>:
Alberto Ruiz wrote:
If you or anyone feel brave enough after porting this, porting the
gridview from medsphere[0] would be a pretty cool thing to do. There's
been a lot of people complaining about the lack of this widget in the
Gtk+ toolkit, and porting this to Vala would be a pretty good way of
having something to play with to define an API that could go into Gtk+

I'm pretty sure there would be tons of beer for the one who write this :)
Done. :)

I have the source attached, together with a demo in plain C.
To compile type "make", then run "./gridviewdemo". The widget depends
on libgee [1].

'gridview.vala' is precompiled to 'gridview.c'. If you want to build it
from scratch you have to modify 'gtk+-2.0.vapi' due to the
Gtk.Container.forall() issue.
At this point I think it would be really nice to have some sort of
libsexy-vala module or something like that so that we can work
together to get this in shape. Would you create a svn module at and include your widgets in there? (If you don't have a
gnome account yet I can do this myself until you get your own one

Alberto Ruiz

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