Re: [Vala] Monodevelop Support

On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 15:15 -0400, Levi Bard wrote:
Awesome to here! I really want to get the autocomplete support more
That would be nice - what we need for that is integration of a real parser.

but outside that: Does anyone know if stetic is
super C# specific or if its code generation component could be ported
to generate vala code? Otherwise, offering autocomplete based on
GtkBuilder files might be an awesome next feature.
Stetic is pretty .net-specific. If Vala supported partial classes, it
would probably be possible to write a .net CodeDomProvider to allow
generation of Vala code.
There actually is some support for partial classes but I consider the
support experimental, there might be some changes in the future.


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