Re: [Vala] Va(a)lide : IDE for Vala !

Il giorno mar, 27/05/2008 alle 23.53 +0200, gege2061 ha scritto:

I develop an IDE for vala :

It's first beta release and features are very simple (in fact :
compilation of projet) but I would want collect your opignions and
(eventually :p) bug reports (for features, I work with Ultraedit and
code: blocks, I have a lot in reserve...).
You editor is really promising! :)

If you could make a CVS/SVN management like the one in Eclipse, I will
use your editor for everything! :)

I already asked Anjuta team but they won't do it, and keep the one they
already have (which I hate. I prefer the command line...).

Just to explain, in case you don't know eclipse:

- in the project browser, if a directory is under cvs/svn control, every
file shows its revision and status (untouched, modified locally,
modified remotely, merge needing, etc.)

- the file name gets colored (configurable, default red) when changed,
so you see immediately which files need committing/updating/merging

- you can right click on a file or directory to commit, update, tag,
branch, create a repository, diff, retrieve old version, get history,

Here you can see a couple screenshots:

Thanks and good work.

Alessandro Pellizzari

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