Re: [Vala] Vala support for automake

Dear Jurg,

I have two questions:

If a VALA package depends on the features provided in the patch, will
the distributed tarball(make dist) be compilable on a system with a
unpatched automake?

Is VALA itself going to make use of the features once the they are
accepted in the automake upstream? If so, when? 
There might be problems, since some distributions doesn't updated their
automakes timely. (eg RHEL5 didn't even update automake to 1.10.x)


On Tue, 2009-03-31 at 13:11 +0200, Jürg Billeter wrote:
I've updated the Vala support patches initially written by Mathias
Hasselmann to fix a few issues and to conform to the reworked header
file generation in Vala 0.7. It appears to work well with a simple test
project including correct distcheck and maintainer-clean functionality.
I didn't get around yet to test it with larger projects, but I'm not
aware of outstanding issues in the patch.

The Vala support is intended to be used with the upcoming Vala 0.7
release series (git master) and all later versions. Earlier versions may
work with some limitations (e.g., only recursive make). Vala 0.7.0 is
expected to be released this week.

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