Re: [Vala] Zeitgeist porting

On Sat, 4 Apr 2009 13:35:53 -0700
Christian Hergert
<christian hergert gmail com> wrote:

First off, I think Vala is a good choice, but for a completely
different reason than what has been said here.  Mono is quite fast,
and just because it has a runtime does not mean it can't be.

Remember that mono does JIT your code into native assembly at startup
(most tests i've made take between 10-70ms for JIT).
Absolutely.  Do keep in mind, though, that the JIT runs only for
invoked methods, just before the method is entered.  It happens
predictably, so the time can be measured, which is nice.  Because of
that it a take advantage of the user's CPU, which is perhaps the best
advantage of a managed code JIT sytsem like Mono.

I think in 20 years, we'll see managed code being the norm.  Though,
being that GNOME doesn't want to use Mono for core things, Vala fills a
very nice hold in the world of native code programming, I think.  :)

        --- Mike

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