Re: [Vala] array of strings bug ?

Hi Roberto
Your example works only if str array is private (just remove the public)
and yes, I think it is a bug. 
You should file it.
Regards, lariamat

Am Freitag, den 10.04.2009, 12:45 +0200 schrieb Roberto Majadas:
Hi people :

Is this a vala bug ?

public class ProofClass {

        public string[] str = {} ;

        public ProofClass () {
                stdout.printf ("init proofclass\n");
        public static int main (string[] args) {
                var p = new ProofClass();
                p.str += "hello";
                p.str += "hello2";
                foreach (string str in p.str){
                        stdout.printf ("--> %s\n", str);   

                return 0;

telemaco kara:/tmp$ LANG=C valac -o str.exe string-bug.vala
/tmp/string-bug.c: In function 'proofclass_main':
/tmp/string-bug.c:99: error: 'ProofClass' has no member named 'str_size'
/tmp/string-bug.c:100: error: 'ProofClass' has no member named 'str_size'
error: cc exited with status 256
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

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