/* archive.vala - Example for using the libarchive bindings in Vala. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Julian Andres Klode <jak debian org> * * Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, * are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright * notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, * without any warranty. */ using Archive; using Posix; void main(string[] args) { // Create a new archive object for reading Read archive = new Read(); // A buffer which will hold read data char buf[4096]; // The entry which will be read from the archive. weak Entry e; // First argument is the archive file. if (args.length != 2) error("Usage: %s <archive>", args[0]); // Enable all supported compression formats archive.support_compression_all(); // Enable all supported archive formats. archive.support_format_all(); // Open the file, if it fails exit if (archive.open_filename(args[1], 4096) != Result.OK) error("%s", archive.error_string()); while(archive.next_header(out e) == Result.OK) { if (S_ISDIR(e.mode())) print("DIR: %s\n", e.pathname()); else { print("FILE: %s\n", e.pathname()); } // Read the times of the file print("MTIME: %li\n", e.mtime()); print("CTIME: %li\n", e.ctime()); print("ATIME: %li\n", e.atime()); // Read out files ending in .txt and README files, into the buffer buf. if (e.pathname().has_suffix(".txt") || e.pathname().has_suffix("README")) while(archive.read_data(buf, 4096) != 0) // Print the contents of buf, indented with a tab. print("\t%s", ((string)buf).replace("\n", "\n\t")); print("\n"); } }