Michael Torrie wrote:
Sam Liddicott wrote:Get over what? I don't understand your attitude in this response! I merely advocated keeping a weather eye open in case we could help a migration from mono. I don't advocate that we actually DO anything.Who's we? It was meant to be vala mailing list subscribers who had in interest increasing the take-up of vala among those who are moving away from mono. But let "we" be everyone who appreciates the value of this thread. If "[we're]" not to do anything then what is the point of the post in the first place? To find out (over a period of time) what might be worthwhile and acceptable to do. I think the biggest reason for a reaction is that your post comes across as an off-topic, non-sequitur. It is definitely a non-sequitur; although I would be surprised if the evangelizing of Vala hadn't been discussed at all in the mailing list or IRC. I don't think it is off-topic, though clearly others disagree. I'm not sure what anything you said has to do with Vala really, or Vala's stated purpose. Obviously Vala developers are savvy and follow current affairs. So the post brings out something of a "huh?" reaction. Hmmm, clearly I expressed my intent badly although as many people have picked up on what I meant as have totally missed it. Along with your off-topic post, however, I don't see Vala displacing Mono. Nor do I; but I anticipate the possibility of some displaced programmers/projects. Rather I hope that Vala begins to be used more and more to develop and maintain core GTK libraries and friends (and Gnome libraries). yep. These are the reasons that others have for encouraging a move away from Mono.I'd rather not see Mono apps become core Gnome components. Perhaps Vala is a better fit here as well, although I prefer python (which would only be an advantage over mono because it's not encumbered by MS). As you state it's not the language that's problem (Vala is similar to C# syntactically); it's the CLR and the virtual machine that pose the problem with regards to bloat, patent minefields, etc. The on topic nature of this thread was to be aware of how to help those that may move away from mono to move towards vala. The on topic results of this thread are posted in another message without [OT] in the subject line. Sam |