Re: [Vala] Port Tomboy?

On Sat, 27 Jun 2009 14:40:25 +0200
Jiří Zárevúcky <zarevucky jiri gmail com> wrote:

Dne 27. červen 2009 14:32 Raphael Bosshard
<raphael bosshard gmail com> napsal(a):
Hello there,

just to make think clear; I don't 'hate' Mono or despise its usage in any
way. I just think that it would make sense to have some Mono-only libraries
available for the whole Gnome-stack.
Sure, I agree with that.

It is fine to port CLR libraries to make them usable in any language
(in case there is really a CLR library that has no equally usable C
replacement). It's porting an end-user app just make a showcase of it,
that I'm not happy about.
What is the current state of interaction between Vala and Mono? I mean,
would it be possible to take a useful Mono library, rewrite it in Vala,
and make the Mono programs pretty much transparently use the rewrite
instead of the original library?

If that is the case, I'd call such a rewrite a gain for the GNOME platform
as a whole, since it would make a previously Mono-only library available to
all the languages in the platform.

Porting a whole application just for the sake of it is hardly a justifiable
effort; it may make sense to do so if there are other benefits, like better
performance or smaller memory footprint, which I believe Vala could give.
Everything else is just propaganda.

Andrea Bolognani <eof kiyuko org>
Resistance is futile, you will be garbage collected.

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