Re: [Vala] Vala 0.7.3 & glib <2.14

Andrew Flegg wrote:
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 05:29, Didier "Ptitjes" <ptitjes free fr> wrote:
No, but the reasoning is as follows:

  * the build environment runs the same libraries as run on the
    Internet Tablet [...]
I'm sorry but I still don't get the rational for that... it seems like 
non-sense for me :)
[...]  Ideally, of course,
there'd be a configure switch to turn it off so I don't have to patch
out the call to g_regex_split_simple; or a rewrite of the code to not
require the 2.14 feature :-)
Please do not hesitate to provide a patch for replacing the call. I 
would apply it without any doubt. :)
Best regards, Didier.

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