Re: [Vala] [vala 0.8.0] construct properties in interface

Thank's! Sorry for this late bug report.

2010/4/1 Jürg Billeter <j bitron ch>

On Thu, 2010-04-01 at 11:01 +0200, Nicolas Joseph wrote:

I have a compilation error with vala 0.8.0:

public interface Valide.Plugin : Object
  public abstract string path { get; construct set; }
  public abstract Window window { get; construct set; }

libvalide/plugin.vala:30.38-30.51: error: construct properties not
for specified property type
libvalide/plugin.vala:35.40-35.53: error: construct properties not
supported for specified property type

What is the good way to fix this error?
It's already fixed in master and will be in the next release.


Nicolas Joseph

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