Re: [Vala] Singleton and reference count

Jan Niklas Hasse píše v St 28. 04. 2010 v 13:46 +0200:
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:31 AM, pancake <pancake youterm com> wrote:
On Apr 28, 2010, at 10:24 AM, Jan Niklas Hasse <jhasse gmail com> wrote:

2010/4/28 Sam Wilson <tecywiz121 hotmail com>:
The only questionable part is that vala doesn't unref namespace scoped
variables when the program terminates, so you have to do that manually.
Is Vala using Garbage Collection?
So shouldn't Vala unref namespace scoped variables when leaving their scope?
Vala is using automatic reference counting for memory management.
Namespace scoped variables are never destroyed, thus references are
never removed.

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