Re: [Vala] Gtk.RecentFilterInfo and some interface issues.

----- Original message -----
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, Frederik wrote:

On 12/15/2010 09:50 PM, Tom Willemsen wrote:
Yes, when you're using automatic properties (sorry I don't actually
know what you call them, but this is what they're called in C#) the
compiler will define _foo for you, you don't need to do it yourself
This is what happens, but I don't think that the programmer should be
allowed to access this implicit variable directly (in C# you can't,
afaik). So it's better not to depend on it and consider it a bug
Perhaps it shouldn't use the _<variablename> convention of naming the 
private storage variables. Maybe it should use a numbering system (which 
would make the C code hideous, I'm sure, but that way it's anyone's
guess   what the variable name would be. Or hash it or something?

But it doesn't make the code originally quoted any more desirable. Either you use the convenient form or you 
don't. Mixing the two certainly wont add clarity to the code and if the intention is to have a private _foo 
which doesn't relate to the public property foo you've got a different problem anyway.

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