Re: [Vala] Questions on async functions

I haven't actually used async's, so I'm not sure of the specifics, but
I've used that structure to simulate pretty much exactly what you're
suggesting.  In my case, each "async function" had an initialiser that
built and queued a structure with all the required variables, plus one
which was plugged into a switch/case statement containing the
individual segments of code, and updated to advance onto the next one
on the next resume.  Yielding from within a loop got a little
interesting, and it was a pain to follow at times, but it worked.
Same pattern should work for you.
I'd done this sort of gymnastics before, "yielding" from
a function containing a loop containing a recursive call,
saving the "continuation" to a file, and able to resume when
the application is restarted. But I prefer readable code
rather than self torture. The async function is a great
feature, allowing long-running computation to yield without
having to obscure the logic with book-keeping matter. I hope 
vala will evolve further into a language where a continuation 
is a fully accessible object. It would be great if we can do 
something like these:

  x = async_function.begin ()  // get a handle to the continuation

  save_to_file (x);  // useful for very very long computation

  read_from_file (out x);
  x.resume ();      // resume our very very long computation

  x.cancel ();  // a feature that answers my original query!

Nor Jaidi Tuah

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