Re: [Vala] Python bindings for Vala code


2010/2/7, rastersoft <raster rastersoft com>:
 > Sorry to those who are putting a lot of work into
 > PyGObject/PyGIR/PyBank/PyNameOfTheMonth but its harmful to mislead
 > project developers in suggesting they should use something that will
 > only cause them lost time and frustration.
Just to make things clear, PyGObject is very stable and is used by
most python bindings out there. PyGI (formerly PyBank) is still in
alpha state, it uses PyGObject and GObjectIntrospection for generating
bindings at runtime.

PyGI is good for playing with the api, writing a simple test in
python, but not for writing half of your application in it (in fact,
it may segfault randomly if you do something wrong and is very hard to
debug). And since it's GObject-based, you cannot expect all vala
constructs to work flawlessly (especially things like generics,
classes not deriving from GObject).

I'm sure that they commented it just because I specifically talked about
 GObject Introspection. But you are right, if it's still in alpha stage I
 can't use it.

 What do you think about this?

 (which is based on)
As I said earlier, most python bindings are based on pygobject. You
may need to write some methods by hand but it should mostly work.


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