Re: [Vala] signal row-activated

Arley Consuegra Rosello wrote:
Hello, I'm testing the GtkTreeView but the signal row-activated don't
want work, the program says "segmentation fails"

below the code of the fuction that must be called by the signal

_datosRepo is a TreeStore
[CCode (instance_pos = -1)]
  protected void desplegar_arbol(TreePath ruta, TreeViewColumn columna){

  [CCode (instance_pos = -1)]
  protected void desplegar_arbol(TreeView view, TreePath ruta, TreeViewColumn columna){

The first parameter of a signal handler function is supposed to be the
signal source. Because the signal is connected by Gtk.Builder, not by Vala,
the compiler can't tell you that.

Best regards,


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