Re: [Vala] Unit Testing and Code Coverage


On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 19:19:02 +0200, CaStarCo wrote:
My question is: ¿there's a way to sistematize the unit testing in Vala?
I created something half a year ago. Look at
Unfortunately I didn't have time to work on it or anything that would really
use it, so it's still quite rough around the edges. Or you can use the
Glib.Test stuff directly, but it's even more rough.

The glib test system does not support continuing after a failed assertion.
Unfortunately I based valadate on the glib test system, so it currently exits
on first failure too. I thought about forking the test cases to provide
proper isolation and allow continuing after failure, but the tool provided by
Glib.Test is not very convenient and I didn't get around to getting it to
work properly yet.

and.. ¿exists tools to see the code coverage of the tests?
Nothing specific to vala as far as I know. gcov should work, but you'll have
to match the output back to the vala source manually.

gcov probably honors #line annotations, so it should be actually possible to
tell it to report back the original lines, but AFIK vala does not emit these

                                                 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb ucw cz>

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