Re: [Vala] Getting Vala not to give a GValue pointer to a function?


2010/3/12, Faheem Pervez <trippin1 gmail com>:

 Vala n00b here, so be nice, please.
Don't be afraid, we're don't eat noobs ;-p

 The function
 returns a GValue when given a a GHashTable and a string. That's all
 well and good, except Vala also tries to give it a pointer to a GValue
 as the third argument. As you can see, it only takes two arguments.

 The relevant part of mafw.vapi looks like:
        [CCode (cheader_filename = "libmafw/mafw.h")]
        public static unowned GLib.Value metadata_first (GLib.HashTable md,
 string key);
It should return "GLib.Value?" instead.
Since bindings are automatically generated, sometimes they need to be
fixed manually.


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