Re: [Vala] Can't compile ValaIde from source...

2010/3/13 Arkadi Viner <arkashkin gmail com>:
I don't have a package named Install gl-devel in Ubuntu's repositories, but
I have downloaded the gdl source, compiled, and installed it. I have managed
to successfully run ./configure but again I can't compile ValaIde:

The package name is libgdl-1-dev:

pi _build_/default/plugins/waf/waf.deps
_build_/default/plugins/waf/waf-builder.c _build_/default/plugins/waf/waf.h
_build_/default/plugins/waf/waf.vapi _build_/default/plugins/waf/waf.deps
[ 78/168] copy: data/ ->
[ 79/168] po: po/es.po -> _build_/default/po/
[ 80/168] po: po/fr.po -> _build_/default/po/
[ 81/168] po: po/it.po -> _build_/default/po/
../po/it.po:1:2: syntax error
/usr/bin/msgfmt: found 1 fatal error
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/arkadi/Projects/valide/_build_'
Build failed
 -> task failed (err #1):
   {task: po it.po ->}


Syntax error fixed, update sources.

Nicolas Joseph

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