Re: [Vala] help with vapi


Thanks for the tips. I have done some modifications acording to your tips.

The "problem" i'm facing now is with the mapping of the basic types to
the language ones. I've read dbus.vapi

270         [CCode (cname = "char", const_cname = "const char", copy_function = "g    _strdup", free_function 
= "g_free", cheader_filename = "stdlib.h,string.h,glib    .h", type_id = "DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH", 
marshaller_type_name = "BOXED", get_    value_function = "g_value_get_boxed", set_value_function = 
"g_value_set_boxed"    , type_signature = "o")]
271         public class ObjectPath : string {
272                 [CCode (cname = "g_strdup")]
273                 public ObjectPath (string path);
274         }

I understand that this code is boxing/unboxing a string type into ObjectPath instance,

In the example program I do:

var ret = new XmlRpc.Struct (env);
ret.set_value(env, "name", env.string_new("mynameisfoo"));

I would like to be able to do something like:

ret.set_value(env, "name", "mynameisfoo");

Can vala identify this casting situation and call the boxing method of the string type
for xmlrpc and pass the value to the method?


Another problem is that I want to call a method when Env struct is constructed. I've
tried setting body to the public Env() { .. } in the vapi file, but this is not
executed. I understand that in vapi files there's support to implement some code,
like in glib.vapi, but why this doesnt works?


On Sun, 16 May 2010 15:59:42 +0100
Abderrahim Kitouni <a kitouni gmail com> wrote:


2010/5/16, pancake <pancake youterm com>:
I'm working on the xmlrpc vapi, but i have some questions about what's the best
Good luck ;-) (when I tried, I gave up before writing anything)

 way to define such abstractions on C. Attached is the vapi file and a example
 Please, tell me which things will you change, and how can I avoid using cname for
 each function, because looks like cprefix is ignored.
I think you're not using it correctly:
    [CCode (cname ="xmlrpc_server_info", cprefix="xmlrpc_server_info_")]
    public class ServerInfo {
I beleive this should be lower_case_cprefix. And

            [CCode (cprefix="xmlrpc_")]
            public int array_append_item(Value a, int idx, ref Value b);
cprefix works on name spaces, not individual symbols. you should set
it in the class to have it apply to its methods/inner classes (but I
think lower_case_cprefix should be used for methods)

There is no such thing as a [Compact] struct ;-p (I understand you
have just forgot it)
    [CCode (cname ="xmlrpc_env", cprefix="xmlrpc_env_", free_function="", destroy_function="")]
no need for a free function, and I think it should be
    public struct Env {
            public static void init(out Env env);
This could be simply the constructor (it's a struct).

    [CCode (cname ="xmlrpc_value", cprefix="xmlrpc_value_", free_function="")]
    public class Value {
I belive it should be ref_function="xmlrpc_INCREF",
btw, cprefix is not needed here

 things like env.string_new() vs new XmlRpc.String(env)... are not really nice, but
 I would like to be able to map all this stuff in the language itself, is this possible
 with a vapi? like in dbus or soup does?
Why not? I don't see the problem.

 Maybe I should write vala code inside the vapi to provide this abstraction?
I'm not sure what's the best way is, but something I'd like to have in
this "abstraction" is throwing errors (constantly checking for
env.fault_occured isn't nice) but I'm afraid you would end up with a
wrapper library rather than a vapi file :-/

HTH, (read : I hope my incoherent rambling makes sense to you)

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