Re: [Vala] casting out parameters

Yeah that would be good to have. Jurg? What do you think about it? You will do in one line what we can now do 
with 3 and its easier to read.

I was also wondering the support for casting lambda/closure arguments like:

 Foo.connect ((myclass*)x,(mytype)y) => {

----- Original message -----
On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 20:23 +0200, pancake wrote:
And if it's a subclass? Which is what 'as' does.

'as' is safe. If the cast is incompatible, you
get null.

Of course vala could have been designed to allow
    test(out bar as Bar)
or some other syntax to tell the compiler that
we know what we are doing.

Nor Jaidi Tuah

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