Re: [Vala] Clutter.State support?

I'm new to Vala and to Clutter programming in general, but it seems 
like a powerful library (and Vala is definitely easier than C GObjects!).
ClutterState would be really useful for my application and it seems 
that the Vala Clutter API doesn't currently support it? I've tried 
adding it to the vapi file and come across a problem: presumably 
clutter_state_set(...) would be expected to be Clutter.State.set(...) 
in Vala, but set is a keyword.
Is there already a binding to ClutterState or how can I add 
clutter_state_set to my vapi file?

Use clutter's GIR instead of the VAPI and all should be well.
I think it's fixed in the current development version.

- Jonathan

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