Re: [Vala] Vala logo symbol voting

I forgot to change the place holder XY to rastersoft, because I wrote the
text when I had no internet connection and didn't see it now before  sending
it .
The credidts for idea #4 go to him ;)


2011/8/27 Tobias Bernard <bertob93 gmail com>


Since there were no further comments on the logo drafts, I thought I'd
propose to vote on the logo symbol.
here <>'s a revised version of the logo symbol
part of my proposal document <> (alternative

I don't know how you organize votings here, so I have some questions on
What is needed to start an official voting?
Is there a some kind of a leader who offcially announces votings?
Who is allowed to vote and how many people need to vote to take a decision?

After thinking a bit more about it, I changed certain poposals, deleted
others and added new ones. Of course I tried to always keep your feedback in
mind. So here's the changes in detail:

1) Putting the symbol inside a circle for the main logo is a bad idea. In
some cases the symbol could be used this way, but as a variant, not as the
main one. This is why I deleted all proposals inside a circle.

2) The symbolism of "ancient warfare" is hard to understand. Probably too
hard to be understood instantly by most people, so I put that proposal away

3) The simplicity of the first proposal (horizontal wing) was liked by
many, so I added a similar symbol with a simple vertical wing.

4) Thanks to XY, I used your idea for proposal 04, however I am still not
sure if
 a) The V is readable
 b) The wing is recognizable

   I thought I'd let the community decide this by voting ;)

I'm looking forward to hear from you, so the votings can begin.
Of course,  any kind of feedback is welcome and any changes can be made to
the current proposals.

kind regards

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