Re: [Vala] Was GNOME Panel applet example removed?

Then we end up having N versions of the Vala tutorial and all code
examples, for Vala versions 0.14, 0.12, 0.10, 0.8, ..., not just for
the most recent stable release, multiplied with all the different
versions for each library.
I'm worried now. Do you mean you'll remove GNOME panel library binding in Vala 0.14?
I know that usually new is better and old sucks and make API ugly, but for me and other
"few" people, GNOME Shell is a different DE than GNOME 2, or at least it's window
manager and integration.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but only Fedora have dropped GNOME2 from their distro.
And yes, I know I can just attach it as external binding.
So if you do decide to drop, please add it at least as external.
Other desktop environments, like for example Xfce4, still use GKT+ 2, so
support for GTK+ 2 is important. No other desktop environment, however, uses
gnome-panel, so if panel applets are deprecated it makes no sense to provide
examples for them.
Sorry Andrea, I think you didn't understand my point.
My point is that GTK2->GTK3 change the end-user opinion about the product.
I do use too Xfce as my default DE! I know how support is important.
However, GNOME3 has different opinions among users.
So I think that it's wrong to remove examples just because GNOME moved on.

At least we should have a policy regarding when example code is
considered old and unmaintained enough to be removed. Or a sub-page
named "Deprecated stuff" where all deprecated code samples go in, so
that I wouldn't feel the urge to look after it.
Actually, it sound a very good offer.
It also doesn't make sense to remove old example before the new example showed up.

Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 17:49:36 +0200
From: scumm_fredo gmx net
To: vala-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Vala] Was GNOME Panel applet example removed?

On 08/30/2011 04:44 PM, Luca Bruno wrote:
Then say it's ultra-broken, but I don't see _any_ gain in removing
already written stuff, docs can be kept in shape this way too. And
keeping some more lines it's making the wiki crowded with cruft.

Can I please ask you to not remove code next time but just put a big
warning, if it's ok for you?
Then we end up having N versions of the Vala tutorial and all code
examples, for Vala versions 0.14, 0.12, 0.10, 0.8, ..., not just for
the most recent stable release, multiplied with all the different
versions for each library. I can't imagine anyone who would like to
maintain this. It's a wiki. Old versions are saved in the history. And
old samples can still be found on

In my point of view documentation by example is not just unspiritual
accumulation of code chunks without keeping them in shape. Less can be
more. At least we should have a policy regarding when example code is
considered old and unmaintained enough to be removed. Or a sub-page
named "Deprecated stuff" where all deprecated code samples go in, so
that I wouldn't feel the urge to look after it.

Best regards,

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