Re: [Vala] benchmarks on Vala?

I second that. 
In typical scenarios, where you are not creating hundreds of thousands
GLib.Objects all the time, you will have much faster applications with

On 01/18/11 01:54, "Andrés G. Aragoneses" wrote:
On 17/01/11 14:08, Jiří Zárevúcky wrote:
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 1:24 AM, Didip Kerabat<didipk gmail com>  wrote:

I don't know about any recent benchmarks, but I think Vala will
generally be a bit slower than Mono, but more memory efficient.
Slower, really?

Would that be true as well for the dova profile?
i think (not demonstrated) that vala is faster than mono on normal 
situations where you
don't build over nine thousand objects per second.
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