Re: [Vala] Fwd: Why is Vala 10 times slower than C ?

You can benefit reducing code writing time from months to weeks and
forgetting about memory leaks, pure-procedure programming and other pretty
things you used to do in C.
06.06.2011 18:11 пользователь "Serge Hulne" <serge hulne gmail com> написал:
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 3:57 PM, Alexandre Rosenfeld
<alexandre rosenfeld gmail com> wrote:
Or do a Vala program without GLib (using the posix profile for instance)
it will probably be closer to the C version.

Does that not kind of defeat the purpose ?

How do I benefit from the object-oriented features then ?

In particular, how can I use the Vala strings type etc ... ?


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