Re: [Vala] Nice wrapper around libxml2 for vala?

I've noticed some TODOs in the code related to memory handling and I
cannot risk any memleaks in my app. But it is not a showstopper for

The biggest actual problem in my case is that it is not available in
ubuntu 12.04 repositories. Maybe "mature" was not the best word to
describe this, but well, even if this code is cool, it lacks some
things around it - being available in the main distros' standard
repositiories or at least having a site with docs. (I was unable to
find any, please correct me if I am wrong).

I am not using XML very often in my app so in my case such adding
extra library to compile/package/distribute/etc. is overkill in
comparision to managing limited amount of pointers.


2012/12/29 JM <interflug1 gmx net>:
I don't think it will get much better than this. Or you have to go back
to normal libxml2 bindings with pointers in the vala code.

Are you missing something in  ?

Am Samstag, den 29.12.2012, 15:18 +0100 schrieb marcin saepia net:
Hey, seems pretty interesting but I need something more mature.

Thank you!


2012/12/29 JM <interflug1 gmx net>:
I know there is gxml, which is a vala wrapper around libxml2.
Haven't tried it but it seems to be actively developed.

Am Samstag, den 29.12.2012, 14:36 +0100 schrieb marcin saepia net:

is there any nice library with vala bindings that wraps original ugly
libxml2 interface into something nicer?

Thank you

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