Re: [Vala] Binding problem or ClutterGst problem or my problem?

Interesting. I wonder, does Vala mention in their notes for new releases on
the web site if they are updating a specific vapi file? How could I go
about finding out what version of clutter (for instance) that Vala's
release of the clutter vapi file supports? Is it in the name of the vapi
file (something like clutter-1.8-vapi)? If not, would looking for a file
modification date that I can compare to clutter release dates make sense.
It would be nice to know up front what version of a specific library my
default Vala vapi supports. At some point I guess I'll have to start
understanding how vapi files work but for now I have enough to do just
getting up to speed on Vala and Clutter, which by the way is the most fun I
have had programming in quite some time.



On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Evan Nemerson <evan coeus-group com> wrote:

On Fri, 2012-01-13 at 17:46 +0000, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
On 2012-01-13 at 09:32, Brian Duffy wrote:
Maybe I'm wrong but I was going on the assumption that the vapi
authors are
not basing their version numbers on "minor" releases such as
clutter-1.8 or
clutter-gst-1.4 or whatever. For instance, when  include the clutter
package in my application I am using --pkg clutter-1.0 even though I am
using the clutter-1.8 that F16 has available through yum.
that's because the "1.0" fragment of the "clutter-1.0" pkg-config name
(which is what Vala uses to find the library compiler and linker flags
when you use the --pkg command line argument) is the API version, not
the Clutter version.

Clutter 1.8 still allows you to use the API of every other release of
the 1.x series, as it's API and ABI compatible.

I would be interested if anyone can clarify what the deal is here. I
hate to think that Vala is only providing functionality that has
existed in
clutter since 1.0 or Clutter-gst since 1.0. I can't believe that is the
it's exactly the case, but it's probably not what you meant. any
function at the time 1.0 was released is still available in Clutter 1.8;
if you need a specific version of Clutter you'll have to check the
version using pkg-config at configure time.
No it isn't. I think you missed the word "only". Vala isn't /only/
providing functionality that has existed in Clutter since 1.0, it is
providing all the functionality that the library (or libraries)
referenced by that pkg-config file provide up until the last time the
VAPI was updated.

Clutter itself has two ways for checking at compile time and run time
what version is being used:
It's also worth noting that, AFAIK, most people just use pkg-config to
test against a minimum required version using the PKG_CHECK_MODULES

  • the CLUTTER_CHECK_VERSION() macro, which can be used to delimit a
  section in the C code, e.g.:

    #if CLUTTER_CHECK_VERSION(1, 8, 0)
      clutter_object_method_added_in_1_8_0 (foo);
      clutter_object_method_available_before (foo);
      clutter_object_method_that_may_have_been_deprecated_later (bar);

  • the clutter_check_version() function, which can be used to check
  the version of the Clutter library that is *currently* running the
  application, e.g.:

    if (clutter_check_version (1, 8, 0))
      clutter_object_method (arg);
      clutter_object_another_method (another_arg);

this obviously applies to the C API; if you need to use a method or a
class and the vapi file doesn't list them, then you'll have to update
the vapi file and either depend on a new version of Vala that ships that
updated vapi, or ship the updated vapi file yourself.
You can also use the extern keyword to create a binding in your Vala
code. It's a bit hackish, but not usually a problem if you're just
missing a method or two.

yes, that's a problem of Vala, and the fact that all vapi files are
centralized with Vala, instead of living outside of the project.
We don't have a problem with upstream libraries distributing their own
VAPIs. In fact, I rather prefer the idea... examples of this include
(according to share/vala/vapi in my jhbuild environment):

     * atasmart
     * champlain
     * colord
     * dconf
     * folks
     * gee
     * gssdp
     * gtk-vnc
     * gupnp
     * libcanberra
     * libosinfo
     * libproxy
     * libvirt
     * rygel
     * spice
     * telepathy
     * tracker

That said, many projects aren't going to want to deal with Vala because
of the additional maintenance cost, a lack of familiarity with Vala,
apathy, etc.

If Clutter would like to build and distribute its own VAPI I certainly
wouldn't have any objection, and I don't think anyone else would either.
I would even be willing to help maintain the bindings.

That offer goes for everyone, not just Clutter or even GNOME. If you
would prefer to distribute a VAPI with your project I would be happy to
help integrate the bindings into your build system and assist with
maintenance. After all, it's not really any more work for me to maintain
bindings upstream than in Vala.

If you don't want to distribute a VAPI with your project, just recognize
that we may forget to update our VAPI, especially for less popular
packages. Feel free to file a bug report at [1], or even just ask on IRC
(my nick is nemequ on gimpnet and freenode). Also, keep in mind that
Vala follows the GNOME release schedule; a new stable branch is only
released every six months, and distributions don't tend to package
unstable releases.



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