Re: [Vala] Metatada files doubts

2012/10/24 Andrea Del Signore <sejerpz gmail com>


On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Alejandro T. Colombini
<atcolombini gmail com> wrote:
    I'm binding a C library I wrote and right now I was only using the
metadata files to avoid vapigen from skipping some methods with varargs
rename things.
    Also, I use a slightly different notation for everything:

    My doubts are: are there two different metadata languages?
Yes there are two way to make a binding file (vapi file).

The first one use a .gi file generated with vala-gen-introspect [1]
command and the second one just use the .gir file.

The .gi method is older its metadata format is documented here [2],
instead the .gir one is what is we prefer today and its metadata
format is documented here [3] as you already know.



Thanks, Andrea.

    Any idea about what to do (or what the valac Gtk binding does) to use a
C boxed type binded to a vala struct like:

var iter = Gtk.TreeIter ();

from Vala? I've not seen any custom vala code to adapt it.

    Also, I've used the 'struct' argument to use my boxed as a vala struct,
but when i try to set its methods as 'hidden' vapigen warns about the
argument being ignored.


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