Re: [Vala] Help with Memory Leak

On Fri, 2013-05-17 at 07:23 -0400, Bruce Reidenbach wrote:
As they like to say, "old thread is old".

I never was able to get a satisfactory answer from the gtk-app-devel list,
the only response being that the memory allocation/destruction model for
gtk was considered good enough.

But then something curious happened.  I compiled the code for the latest
Ubuntu (13.04) and the problem went away!  The memory footprint is solid as
a rock, after several days of running.  I know there's way too many
variables to figure out what happened (new kernal, new gtk, new valac), but
it appears the problem somehow was cured.  I really doubt that the new
version of valac had anything to do with it since previously I could cause
the heap fragmentation to disappear if I commented out the command to
update the menu label.
That's too bad; we don't know whom to compliment.
Any way, thanks for sharing the good news.

Nice day
Nor Jaidi Tuah

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