Re: [Vala] Gtk+ bindings update

I have to second Jim here, retiring my previous comment. If a project is
already relying on the new vala stable release, this is going to be a
breakage for the application.

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 9:01 PM, Jim Nelson <jim yorba org> wrote:

On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 8:12 AM, Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro gnome org>

Non-GNOME programs certainly will not care one way or the other whether
they are broken by vala 0.26 or by vala 0.28. And the changes are certainly
bugfixes, not features or UI changes that would be affected by the current

This is slightly off-topic, but I'd like to address it while it's on the

Yorba's applications were considered non-GNOME for nearly five years and
are still not part of GNOME core (although we're now hosted on the
infrastructure).  We *definitely* care when we we're broken between
releases of Vala.  It's worse when those changes are introduced at the last
minute in the cycle -- less time to prepare -- and even worse, when they're
introduced in a dot-release.

Things have stabilized with Vala over the past few releases, so good
times.  I hope that track record continues.

-- Jim

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