Re: [Vala] volatile variable

On Jun 14, 2014, at 4:20 PM, Maciej Piechotka <uzytkownik2 gmail com> wrote:
As a side question - why do you need volatile? In most cases it's not
needed (unless you write kernel/driver and do memory based I/O).

I've run into the issue calling functions with side effects. Here is a snippet of my code with the workaround:

        /* Need to register types with the glib type system for dynamic
         * construction with gtkbuilder. Need to figure out a better way
         * to ensure the calls to typeof() are not optimized out.

        stdout.printf("Registering %s\n", typeof(AboutDialog).name());
        stdout.printf("Registering %s\n", typeof(AddSimulationDialog).name());
        stdout.printf("Registering %s\n", typeof(ArchiveSchematicsDialog).name());
        stdout.printf("Registering %s\n", typeof(ExportBOMDialog).name());
        stdout.printf("Registering %s\n", typeof(ExportNetlistDialog).name());
        stdout.printf("Registering %s\n", typeof(NewDesignDialog).name());
        stdout.printf("Registering %s\n", typeof(NewProjectDialog).name());
        stdout.printf("Registering %s\n", typeof(RenumberRefdesDialog).name());
        stdout.printf("Registering %s\n", typeof(ResetRefdesDialog).name());
        stdout.printf("Registering %s\n", typeof(BackannotateRefdesDialog).name());


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