Re: [Vala] Bad C code generation (lvalue required as unary '&' operand)

Le jeudi 29 janvier 2015 à 16:58 +0100, yannick inizan a écrit :
the old safe method : 

public static void main (string[] args) {
Value? v = "toto";
Value val = {};
val.init (v.type());
v.copy (ref val);
print ("%s\n", (string)val);

p.s. : sorry for last message (*$£% gmail)

2015-01-29 16:48 GMT+01:00 Guillaume Poirier-Morency
<guillaumepoiriermorency gmail com>:
        Le jeudi 29 janvier 2015 à 15:30 +0100, yannick inizan a
        écrit :
        > Vala translate your cast to a get_<type> function of your
        > ex:
        > Value v = "toto";
        > var val = (string)v; //equals to 'var val = v.get_string();'
        > so (Value)my_val is impossible because GLib.Value doesn't
        have a
        > get_value function.
        > 2015-01-29 15:16 GMT+01:00 Guillaume Poirier-Morency
        > <guillaumepoiriermorency gmail com>:
        >         I am working on Valum, a web micro-framework written
        in Vala
        >         valac is generating very strange code that doesn't
        >         Part of the framework is about offering facilities
        to push
        >         arbitrary
        >         values into CTPL template environment.
        >         At some point, I try to case a Value? to a non-null
        Value (I
        >         have of
        >         course tested the null case, I just want it to pass
        >         --enable-experimental-non-null)
        >                 vala --version
        >                 Vala 0.26.1
        >         Here's the use case:
        >                 Value? v;
        >                 var val = (Value) v;
        >         The error:
        >                 lvalue required as unary ‘&’ operand
        >         I attached the full log and the bug is easily
        >         (the sample
        >         does it).
        >         --
        >         Guillaume Poirier-Morency
        <guillaumepoiriermorency gmail com>
        >         _______________________________________________
        >         vala-list mailing list
        >         vala-list gnome org
        Thanks for the answer!
        That kind of code should be detected by Vala compiler as an
        What approach would you recommend to cast "Value?" to
        "Value" ?
        It's not that bad if it is not yet possible, but I would
        really like to
        build the whole projet with --enable-experimental-non-null ;)
        Guillaume Poirier-Morency <guillaumepoiriermorency gmail com>

Great! That should do the trick for now :)
Guillaume Poirier-Morency <guillaumepoiriermorency gmail com>

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