Re: [Vala] Gdk.RGBA in text tag - possible leak?

From: Gilzad Hamuni <gilli4 gmx net>
To: Vala-list <vala-list gnome org>
Sent: Monday, 18 May 2015, 14:19
Subject: [Vala] Gdk.RGBA in text tag - possible leak?
while accessing the color properties of a text tag, I noticed that the memory 
usage constantly goes up.

In the uploaded example I simply print 
"tag.foreground_rgba.to_string()" to stdout, which constantly raises 
the use of the memory. Skipping this step will keep the usage at a static level 

I'll be glad about any hint. Let me know if I can do anything.
I don't understand why you have a weak reference:

weak Gdk.RGBA tmpColor = Gdk.RGBA();

outside of your loop that uses the reference. See

As a hint I would try removing 'weak':

Gdk.RGBA tmpColor = Gdk.RGBA();

Just a thought,


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